In the developing economy, goods have become more diverse to meet social needs. However, besides quality products, there are still fake products that imitate prestigious brands. So, how to avoid counterfeit goods, pirated goods to protect brand reputation as well as consumer rights?
Is the price too good to be true?
If the deal you're getting is too good to be true, there's a high probability that the product you will get is counterfeit. Know how much discount is typically available on branded or luxury items and if the offer is unrealistically low, say, 70-80% of the MRP, then you are definitely buying a fake.
DOLIN ticker
Poor packaging
Branded products spend a lot of money in packaging the product flawlessly. Besides money, a lot of caution and care is exercised while packaging a branded product. If the item is shabbily packed, uses substandard material like cheap plastic or sagging cardboard, take it as a sign of counterfeiting. Similarly, if you get a product without any packaging at all, know it to be a fake.
DOLIN poor packaging
Counterfeit goods, pirated goods are raging
Previously, only cheap, popular, and small-sized products were counterfeited. However, in the last few years, fake goods have become increasingly sophisticated, difficult to control. Moreover, these wares are very diverse from types to models, colors that meet the latest trends in the market, and especially their price is much cheaper than genuine goods. This makes it more difficult for consumers to choose quality products.
Using inferior products, consumers are affected not only economically, but also to their health in the long term. These effects can be unfortunate accidents that occur when using unqualified products. In addition, businesses also directly suffer from the serious consequences of counterfeit goods. The poor quality products with cheaper prices make the quality products of businesses struggling because of being unmarketable. Not to mention, the products that are copied with a much lower quality than the original products, may accidentally cause consumers to have a negative view of the brand image.
What solutions to protect brands and consumers?
For competent authorities
- Raising the level of administrative sanction with illegal and poor-quality business establishments.
- Supporting businesses in registering intellectual property rights for brand products.
For Businesses
For businesses, in order to protect their image in the market, it is necessary to have strong actions to legally assert brand reputation.
- Registration of intellectual property rights: Registering intellectual property with a trademark is essential for every business when disputes or infringements of intellectual property are in progress, enterprises need to quickly submit an application to the Department of Intellectual Property to receive the protection from the law enforcement agencies.
- Actively claim when intellectual property rights are infringed: this is also an obligation of every business which makes it easier for the government to control the source of goods and fight against counterfeit goods.
- Generalize for consumers about the specific characteristics of the product.
- Use anti-counterfeiting stamps to ensure product quality.
For consumers
- Shop smartly: equipping themselves with the necessary knowledge to distinguish genuine and poor quality goods, consumers are protecting their own rights and joining hands against fake and counterfeit goods.
- Actively share and react when detecting a poor-quality business: feedback from consumers has contributed to helping authorities to manage goods in the market.
In conclusion, the fight against counterfeit goods is a battle of everyone that needs the active cooperation between consumers, manufacturers, and authorities to contribute to minimizing the appearance of the overflow of shoddy goods.